About this site

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Humans have always relied on one another to thrive. I learn things. You learn other things. If we share with each other, each of us know more things. The better each of us learn and share, the more we thrive. In the modern digital world, there are many people learning many things - some of them helpful, many of them not. And in the modern digital world, many people are sharing - some of them are helpful, many of them are not. Thus, thriving in the modern digital world requires people who can make good decisions about how to learn and who to share with. On this Substack, I will share what I have learned about the research on learning, teaching, and sharing, to help you thrive in the modern digital world. And occasionally I will pontificate on higher education, moral panics, and higher education moral panics.

Why is it called "Bemusings"?

Because here I share my musings, which are sometimes amusing, often somewhat confusing, and thus there are Bemusings.

Who is Jeff Greene?

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