Bemusings is take a break to do some...musing.

Why I'm taking a break from Substack.

I’ve decided to put Bemusings “on hold” while I take some time to think about Substack as a venue for my musings. If you’re not familiar with the controversy, I recommend reading the initiating article and then Platformer’s summary and decision-making. I’ve really enjoyed writing this newsletter/Substack/whatever-we-want-to-call it, and I feel like we’ve been building some good momentum. But, in the past, I’ve left technology platforms because I felt their ownership didn’t hold the same values as I do, and I’m prepared to do that again, if necessary. I just need some time to muse over it.

During this break, it’s a good time to ask for feedback. What have your enjoyed or found useful about Bemusings? What would you like to see done differently? How could this newsletter be more valuable to you? I welcome any and all feedback.

Thanks and see you soon…somewhere…somehow.