How can educators become anti-racist?
Lots of people say they aren't racist. But it's something very different to be anti-racist. And it can be particularly difficult for people to be anti-racist in today's society. In this wonderful article, Vargas and Saetermoe (2023) have described the journeys educators have to make to become anti-racist. By integrating ideas from bidirectional ecosystems, monomythic journeys, and liberation processes perspectives, they outline four phases of liberation: from awareness, to deconstruction, to reconstruction, to praxis. It's a rich roadmap, with much for educators to consider and act upon. And it has implications for how we structure society and education. I hope the article is widely read and discussed.
And if you'd like to Dr. Vargas talk about this article, you can check out this American Psychological Association Division 15 podcast with him and yours truly.